Our Vision

It all started with an idea. A passion. A purpose.

We believe that people can truly find neurology fun, exciting, and intriguing, and chip away their fear of it—known as neurophobia. The result of it all lands you here, where we have compiled years worth of passion and dedicated work to provide the best sources for you. We want to help you develop a solid grasp of neurology, create a framework that makes it easier to understand, and ultimately enrich your experience as you apply new concepts to real patients.

So we narrowed down our vision to three simple words.

Learn. Understand. Apply.

We hope that as you browse around that we have the tools to make you succeed in every intersection of your career. You will find slides, notes, a 3-D visualization of the brainstem, Anki decks, videos, and much more.

That is not all, though. We will continue to bring new content to this venue and share what we have with you. In the end, we hope you will be able to integrate basic neuroscience and neuroanatomy with clinical neurology in your practice.

Of course, we can’t leave without saying that all of this couldn’t have been done without the army of medical students contributing their creation of original neuroscience drawings. And for that, we thank each of them.